
Health, Medicine, and Society


James Roche, J.D.
Assistant Academic Director, School of Social and Behavioral Science

Degree name
Minor in Health, Medicine and Society


The mission of the Social and Cultural Studies programs is to offer a vigorous and exciting broad-based liberal arts education with an emphasis on cultural, global, and political dynamics. The programs provide a combination of theoretical, scientific, practical and experiential approaches to understanding and solving human problems. Issues of gender, race, class, and culture, as well as hands-on learning, are emphasized throughout the curriculum. Our goal is to graduate students with marketable skills that prepare them for careers in a variety of public and social services and/or for graduate study in related areas.

Minor Description

A minor in Health, Medicine, and Society is an interdisciplinary, social scientific study of health and medicine. It encompasses anthropological, sociological, psychological, and political science investigations of health and illness. This minor prepares students for a myriad of careers that directly or indirectly relate to a variety of fields in the medical professions.

Curricular Requirements

To complete the minor in Health, Medicine, and Society students must complete six (6) three (3) credit courses in anthropology, sociology, and related social science or medically related disciplines. Also, four (4) of the total courses must be completed in anthropology or sociology. The electives may come from a variety of fields depending on the specific course. Students may count courses taken in the Core Curriculum as part of the minor. Students in Sociology or Applied Social and Cultural Studies may not count courses toward the major and the HMS minor. One (1) course must be taken at the 300- or 400-level.

Select one (1) of the followingCredits
ANT 101 – Introduction to Anthropology3
ANT 102 – Cultural Anthropology3
SOC 150 – Introduction to Sociology3
Total Credits3
Select five (5) electives of the following with at least one (1) at the 300-level or above*Credits
ANT 118 – Applied Anthropology3
ANT 211 – Medical Anthropology3
ANT 241 – Plagues and Populations3
ANT 425 – Sex, Gender, Sexuality3
OS 432 – Disability Studies and Inclusive Communities (Formerly HWOS 432)3
PHI 201 – Biomedical Ethics3
PSC 325 – Politics and Public Health3
PSY 250 – Human Life Span Development3
PSY 325 – Psychology of Aging3
PSY 370 – Drugs, Society, and Behavior3
PUB 200 – Foundations in Public Health3
SOC 224 – Family, Health, and Social Change3
SOC 228 – Sociology of Aging3
SOC 275 – Sociology of Food and Health3
SOC 355 – Medical Sociology3
Total Credits15
Minimum Total Required Credits18

*Other courses can be substituted with the permission of the academic director.

Learning Outcomes

Students in all Social and Cultural Studies programs will explore the world and its diverse people, environments, social/cultural structure, and languages by employing sociological and anthropological theory, research design, analysis, experiential learning, and critical assessment methods. As a result, at the completion of all Social and Cultural Studies programs, students will be able to recognize and evaluate the nature of social evidence and in doing so be able to articulate and apply appropriate terminology, theoretical and methodological procedures to the examination of society, culture, and languages across time and space.

Transfer Credit

See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.


See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Financial Information


Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.